Marketing Consulting

E. Sue Huff & Associates, Inc. of Naples, Florida has been working with clients since 1996 to ensure the best marketing and PR (public relations) tools are utilized for optimal results. Each client is different; we customize our marketing and PR (public relations) plans to meet individual client needs. Often this means identifying primary and… Continue reading Marketing Consulting
Public Relations

E. Sue Huff & Associates, Inc. works with clients to develop public relations strategies and plans that get the attention of local media. Each client is different, and we customize our public relations and marketing plans to meet individual client needs. Public relations is an integral part of a company’s overall marketing strategies. A well… Continue reading Public Relations
Management Consulting

Small Business E. Sue Huff & Associates, Inc. provides innovative, customized support to help you achieve your business goals. We can assist your business in a variety of ways including: Designing and administering needs assessments Designing and delivering training seminars on topics such as: – Leadership development – Managing change – Team building – Customer… Continue reading Management Consulting
Speaking & Training

Speaking About the Speaker: Sue Huff, a native of Southwest Virginia, is the owner and president of E. Sue Huff & Associates, Inc. Marketing and Management Consulting. The firm is based in Naples, Florida and has earned the highest reputation for their honest and down-to-earth business approach. Sue’s extensive business background in the printing industry, along… Continue reading Speaking & Training
Online Coaching

E. Sue Huff & Associates, Inc. can provide personal online Marketing and Management coaching. This service is provided to help busy entrepreneurs, business owners, managers and professionals set and meet goals. We provide a guided approach to accomplishing tasks at hand by setting SMART goals: Sensible Measurable Attainable Realistic Timely Working with a coach can… Continue reading Online Coaching

E. Sue Huff & Associates, Inc. can help plan, facilitate and manage your next business conference. Our associates have many years of experience coordinating business, educational and training conferences. Sue Huff is also available to emcee or moderate your next event or workshop! We are here to assist you with the entire process: Motivational (Team conferences and… Continue reading Conferences